Introducing Monty

So I thought it was about time I introduced Monty as he's been residing at Holly Cottage for almost 9 months now, but this is not where the story of Monty begins........let me take you back to Spring 2014 as this is when Monty and I first met.

My husband had often said he wanted a classic car and it was in 2014 that Montgomery the Plus 8 Morgan was first purchased......notice I said first purchased!

To begin with we had many fun journeys around the South-West UK bumping around and stopping for picnics, but then we moved to the coast and the sea air was not kind to our dear Monty nor were the seagulls!!!  It was after one rather traumatic afternoon trip to the East Devon coast that left poor Monty covered in approximately 30 huge bird poooooops, with my hubby and me frantically wiping it all off with tiny AutoGlym wipes especially for bird poo......yes you really can buy these......and my other half said that really was the icing on the to speak! 

Before I knew it Monty was on the back of a trailer and no longer part of our lives!  Hope I don't ever upset him or get pooped on by a seagull!

Anyway without further ado a more modern luxurious less bumpy sports car was accepted into the family and all was well.......that's what I thought!  Silly me to think I knew what was going on in my husband's head!

About a year later we moved to Holly Cottage and were enjoying our new abode and all it had to offer.....but there was clearly a gap in our lives that I wasn't aware of......Monty!

Whilst I was away on a relaxing (good job) spa weekend my other half was concocting a plan to get Monty back.....little did I know he had found the new owner of Monty and was in negotiations about having him back where he belonged.  So it was that I returned several days later to Holly Cottage to find a rather familiar looking Plus 8 Morgan on the drive.....yes indeed my husband had purchased Monty for the second time! 

My husband had clearly forgot the bird poo issues, the ultra hot engine that cooked you like a Kipper when you were inside, and most of all the fact that it was so tight inside he had a job to manoeuvre his butt into the driving seat.......all was well, Monty had been returned to sender.......but for how long!!!!
